Helping YOU make meaningful lasting positive change in Your life and Your organization.

Do you know that thing you’ve always wanted to do but fear is holding you back? I help people and organizations create monumental shifts towards that ‘thing’.

Ever get the feeling there’s something big you’re here to do,
but you’re not doing it?


You are great at what you do, but you just kind of ‘fell into it’ or it was the ‘easy route’ and not necessarily what you would choose on purpose.
I’ve been there.


You think about doing something different — but you don’t want to “rock the boat” and lose what you have right now.
Is FEAR holding you back?


You know there is something more for you, something greater than what you are doing now, but you don’t want to step out of your comfort zone….been there.


You regularly hear promptings around and to you to SHIFT.

What could happen if you listened to promptings and took action?

I help high-performing people tap into their greatest gifts and create more meaning in their lives.

Program Services

The following are a list of the specific program and Services provided to individuals and organizations.

Organizational Development:

Change, Culture, Strategic Planning to Create Vision to implement the necessary shifts.

Human Resource Services:

Employee Engagement, Policy Development, hiring, performance management.

Leadership and Management Services:

Coaching, workshops, helping Leaders to create and implement their organizational vision and goals.

Personal Growth, Development and Transformation Programs:

Personal vision and strategic planning to change and grow.

I help big-thinking people like you take measured risks, make meaningful life change, to pursue purpose and meaning in their lives and work.


SHIFT Master, Chief Envisioning Officer, Facilitator, Executive Coach & Organizational Consultant

Making big change in your life can be scary.

Making Change in your organization can be difficult.

Any Change feels risky — and that’s why many people never do it. BUT,

When you’ve got a drive inside of you to do something BIGGER, with your life, ignoring it comes with great risks, too.

Risk? What Risk?? Well….

The huge risk of wasting years of your life feeling uninspired and unfulfilled.

The risk of never sharing your unique gifts and talents with the world.

The Risk of dying with your dream still in you.


It is a question of which risks you choose to take. What are you meant to do? If you’re thinking you don’t want to risk another year living a smaller life than you were meant to life.

Let’s talk.

I have more than 40 years’ experience helping individuals and organizations make change either necessary of inflicted. It would be my joy to help you, too.

Outcomes You Can Expect


Discover Your True Gifts


Make a Bigger Impact in all areas of your life


Create a Life You Celebrate daily

Past Client List

Do you know what makes your heart sing? Are you living it?

Whether you call it your purpose, your life’s calling, or your heart’s desire, you’ve been given gifts to do something that no one else can do. Yet, many of us hold ourselves back from doing what we’d love to do.

How many times have you shut that voice or message down?

What would it be like if you stopped ignoring it 
and went full out to achieve it?
If you want to move forward… let’s talk, time is ticking.

Book a Complimentary Strategy Session with me.
Start finding out how far you can go.

Let’s Talk: Request a
Complimentary Strategy Session

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How many times have you shut down that little voice inside you?

What would it be like to listen to it instead?

Shift to your bliss! Book a Strategy Session and discuss your best next step with me.